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Evelin Piirsalu

Senior Expert (Green and Circular Economic Transformations Unit)

Evelin joined SEI Tallinn in September 2004 and is a Senior Expert in the Green and Circular Economic Transformations Unit.

Evelin’s main interest area is sustainable consumption and production. Evelin works on environmental management-related issues, such as environmental management systems, green and circular public procurement and various environmental management tools, such as European Environmental and Auditing System (EMAS), Green Office, Green Key, and ecolabels. She also has a long experience in sustainable tourism.

Her recent focus has been on food waste, green and circular public procurement, and sustainable school food. Evelin has also participated in projects concerning climate mitigation and adaptation, marine ecosystem services, and marine litter.

Evelin has expertise in sustainability assessment, life cycle assessment, carbon footprinting, scenario analysis, transition analysis, and dynamic modelling.


Evelin has a PhD in Social and Economic Geography and an MSc in Environmental Science from Lund University. Her bachelor’s degree is in Business Administration and International Marketing from the Estonian Business School.

Work experience before SEI

Before joining SEI, Evelin worked in the Estonian Ministry of the Environment and Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies.

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